SEC Edgar [] IASPlus [] Gartner [] IDC [] Forrester [] 451 Research [https://451…
Form 6-K: Current Report of foreign issuer pursuant to Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16 Amendments. Download Form PDF Edgar filings and SEC XBRL are in sync or not? Most often there may be a disparity between the HTML and XBRL formats that is filed with the SEC. We explain why. U.S. discount retailer based in Arkansas Need help filing Form 3, Form 4, and Form 5 Section 16 reports on SEC Edgar? Many, but not all SEC filings are available online through the SEC's Edgar database. Fairfax Financial is a financial holding company based in Toronto, Ontario, which is engaged in property, casualty, insurance and reinsurance, investment management, and insurance claims management.
– Describes expanded HTML support for the upcoming Edgar release (March 2000) Administrative action: The Commission can seek a variety of sanctions through the administrative proceeding process. Administrative proceedings differ from civil court actions in that they are heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ), who… Though still popular, he surprised many by retiring from elected office after his second term as governor, claiming that heart problems he had while governor were not a factor in his decision. For some reason, Edgar quotes the Mimi-N word twice: once as ‘mouth’ [Edgar 1991a: 314] and once as ‘tongue’ [Edgar 1991a: 237], even though in [Lukas & Völckers 1939] only the German meaning ‘Mund’ is listed; I am not aware whether Edgar… View and download past IBM annual reports. Form 6-K: Current Report of foreign issuer pursuant to Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16 Amendments. Download Form PDF Edgar filings and SEC XBRL are in sync or not? Most often there may be a disparity between the HTML and XBRL formats that is filed with the SEC. We explain why.
Navigating Edgar Filing websites The three Edgar Filing websites are below with a brief description of the features that can be accessed. The SEC may process the Edgar data for the SEC website prior to transmitting the Edgar data to PDS. XBRL schemas and linkbases of the standard taxonomies that are supported by Edgar More information about the Edgar program can be found at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website. It is commonly used in the verb form, “Edgarize”, meaning to convert electronic and paper documents into the Edgar format. Filer Manual Volume I General Information Version 11 November Notice Use this Edgar Filer Manual when making electronic filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or "Commission"). SEC Publisher allows you to create Edgar-compliant filings from virtually any document format with minimal touch up and editing. Help and examples for a specific parameter can be found by clicking on the question mark next to the parameter name. Showing results for: Array.
: information related to SEC's file system to access Edgar filings. Includes 'Documentation and Helpful Resources', Ticker/CIK associations, and contact information. Navigating Edgar Filing websites The three Edgar Filing websites are below with a brief description of the features that can be accessed. The SEC may process the Edgar data for the SEC website prior to transmitting the Edgar data to PDS. XBRL schemas and linkbases of the standard taxonomies that are supported by Edgar More information about the Edgar program can be found at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website. It is commonly used in the verb form, “Edgarize”, meaning to convert electronic and paper documents into the Edgar format. Filer Manual Volume I General Information Version 11 November Notice Use this Edgar Filer Manual when making electronic filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or "Commission"). SEC Publisher allows you to create Edgar-compliant filings from virtually any document format with minimal touch up and editing.
Navigating Edgar Filing websites The three Edgar Filing websites are below with a brief description of the features that can be accessed.